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Nobody Winks Anymore…😉

Earlier this week, I stopped at a local convenience store to grab an energy bar for dinner. Helping to start a new business while working full-time and managing family obligations results in many long hours and very few sit-down meals, so no judging the energy bar for dinner!

Anyway, while checking out, something exciting and rewarding happened. I approached the register and was greeted by a very welcoming young man, probably in his early twenties. He was smiling and seemed very happy to be working there. He asked me how my day was going while he went through the process of scanning my items and taking my payment. The whole time, he engaged in conversation. Not small talk, but real conversation. His tone, questions, and comments showed genuine interest and curiosity. I remember thinking that this was a very enjoyable trip to this store.

And then it happened. As he handed me my items, I looked up and said, “Thank you very much. Have a great day.”  To which he replied, “Thank you, you too.”  And then he winked at me. Yup, he winked at me! Nobody winks anymore. It wasn’t in a weird way. I know it can sound that way when reading this. But it wasn’t weird at all. It was friendly, kind, and genuine. The wink made me smile, and it made me remember that experience. I will 100% return to that store in the future.

When I returned to Whole Health Solutions & Sports Performance a few minutes later, I told Peter this story. We talked about how our goal is to make every client that comes through these doors feel the way I felt when I left that store. I was smiling, happy, and committed to returning in the future. We may not wink at you (or maybe we will), but if there is anything we can do to make your visit memorable and to ensure that you leave smiling, please let us know.



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